These are some of the feelings I had after taking a pregnancy test on Monday.
What a great day and it's not even noon!!! All last week I became more sure every day that I was pregnant. Finally I couldn't stand the suspense any longer and ran to the Dollar Store this morning with Bekah to get a test. I came home and took it and felt so sad when I didn't see the positive line come in. I took a minute to read the box out of boredom and when I looked at the test again there was a very, very faint line!! I quickly called Garrett who was between classes and told him I was 80% sure I was pregnant. Luckily I had gotten 2 tests so I can take another one tomorrow to make sure! I quickly took out my handy little due date estimation calendar and came up with the due date of July 27th. Now those of you who have been pregnant during the summer before may start feeling bad for me, but this is a prayer lovingly heard and mercifully answered for us. We had several criteria we wanted to meet with our next pregnancy and it fits all of them!! They are:
1) Garrett will be away for field camp from the beginning of May till sometime in June, so we wanted the baby due after June.
2) We didn't want to have the pregnancy cover more than one fiscal year so we don't have to pay two deductibles. (My doctor recommends coming in for the first visit between 10 and 16 weeks which will be January or February.)
3) I'm working really hard for the next year and a half to get my bachelors's degree. I'll be taking classes full-time in the spring and summer semesters and then only have to take 6-9 credits the next fall and spring to graduate. Summer semester ends the middle of July and fall semester starts the end of August. So I'll have my baby right in between semesters and be able to complete my degree without missing school to have a baby.
I had been praying that the baby would come then, but we only started trying the end of September, so I felt like it was a lot to ask and knew that it was unlikely for me to get pregnant after trying for only 2 months. I told the Lord my situation and put it in his hands to schedule it how he wants it. I told him I would get my degree if he saw fit, or I would quit school if he felt I should stay home with the kids instead. There's no doubt in my mind of what I need to do now. He planned it so perfectly so that I can do both. Tears of gratitude keep pouring down my face as I realize how gracious, loving, and generous my Heavenly Father is. The next year and a half will be pretty tricky and trying, but the Lord has already answered so many prayers that I have no doubt that as I move forward with faith he will continue answering prayers and working things out more perfectly than I ever could.
I told Bekah there was a baby in my belly and ever since then she has spontaneously patted my belly and said "Baby in there!" So cute! Also, I was feeling very grateful so I decided to say a prayer. Bekah looked at me and said "prayer?" I said yes and asked if she wanted to pray. She said yes so I walked her through her first prayer. She was so proud and happy that she said "Again!" as soon as she said amen! What a sweet daughter I have! That moment made me even more excited to be having a second child!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Chelsey invited people to do this questionnaire (about a year ago, sorry I'm so slow) so we could know random facts about each other so here are my responses:
#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Heather called me "Bethy" for a while. Also Bart. My mom called me "Emma-lou-who" and "Emmaline". Sometimes Garrett calls me "Face". Other than that I just get called the standard "Em" and "Emma"
#2. What's a weird habit of yours?
To-Do lists. I always have one and I love to put as many things on there so I can make myself feel better about how much I get done. Sometimes if I start the list in the middle of the day I'll add things I've already done so that I can cross them off! I like to do lists for Saturday chores, to buy lists for when I'm rich, to give lists for birthdays and holidays, and any other list I can make.
#4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone?
Twisted Transister by KoRn. I know, weird. But Garrett sang it like everyday when we were dating so it brings back good memories. He would also substitute the words to make a song about whatever we happened to be doing at the time, so it's not really the song that I like, but more the man who taught me the song. :)
#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
I hate when people rip the covers off of me. I will take them off when I'm good and ready to get out of bed!! Another one is (this will probably make me sound like a jerk) when somebody is super-duper nice all the time to everybody in all situations. It makes me think they are faking and then I become unsure of whether they ever even liked me in the first place. I just want to see them crack now and then so that I can realize they are actually a real person. Yeah, that sounds like I'm a jerk. Oh well, stop judging me, that's one of my pet peeves!! JK
#6. What's one of your nervous habits?
I am nervous about nervous habits. When I start to become nervous I get so focused on what my body is doing so that I can try not to do anything weird, that I don't focus on what I'm saying or what the other person is saying. Consequently, I have no idea of what is going on in the conversation. It get's awkward really quickly!
#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Whichever is closer to the door since I'm the one that gets the baby when she cries. More importantly, I have to have a certain pillow. Garrett claims he cannot tell which pillow is "mine" so he "accidentally" steals it all the time. I think he does it to see if I really can tell. I can.
#8. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name?
I don't know if this was my first, but I know I had her when I was 3. She was a pink bear with a cute pink dress and when you pressed her hand she played music. Her name was Melody Bear. Her little paw was worn out so quickly because I'd just keep pressing it over and over till I fell asleep.
#9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?
I don't drink coffee so I'll substitute Arby's. I always always get #4. It's the roast beef and cheddar with curly fries and I always substitute the drink for a vanilla shake (since they got rid of strawberry, stupid strawberry haters).
#10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
Sleep. I wish I could sleep. :(
#11. Which way do you face in the shower?
I always have it hit my right shoulder as I face the stream of water. Also, this is kind of a weird question. Why do I want my friends and family picturing how I stand in the shower?
#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
I can make one of my eyes go to the center while the other stays put making it look like I have a lazy eye. Pretty useful sometimes.
#13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyway?
My comfort food is nearly anything sweet. Yep. Bring on the sugar and the fat! One that I make that is probably going to gross you out is a tortilla with butter, sugar, and cinnamon put in the microwave for 30 seconds. It's my quick and easy cinnamon roll.
#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
Lately I say "cut it out!" since Bekah has started to scream ALL THE TIME. She does it when she's happy, bored, annoyed, mad, hyper, etc. Just anytime she can. She picked up on it quickly and will do things to make me say it. She also says it to Garrett and I when she doesn't like what we are doing.
An oversized t-shirt, sweats, and socks. Always socks!
An oversized t-shirt, sweats, and socks. Always socks!
#15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
An oversized t-shirt, sweats, and socks. Always socks!
I love October (continued)
This month is just so beautiful! Everywhere I go there are bright colored leaves fluttering to the ground and the days alternate between dark grey clouds and bright crisp air. There's the promise of holidays to come without the dead feeling of January. It's the perfect month for babies apparently! As stated on the previous post, Sarah adopted her baby! On the 13th she and Daniel were sealed to their baby. It was the most precious thing I've ever seen! How beautiful to hear all the blessings pronounced on this new family and to feel all the love in the room for such a special child. There were so many people there to celebrate this occasion. When they brought the baby into the sealing room she looked around and just smiled at everyone. It was like she knew why everyone was there and wanted to thank us. The only thing that could have made the day more perfect was that my dear little sister and her husband got sealed just moments before Sarah and Daniel did. It was so perfect! When the sealer had them kiss they could hardly reach each other over the altar because Erika was nine months pregnant! After the ceremony we had a big luncheon to celebrate. My family all hung out that evening and there was just such a good feeling with all of us. The next day Sophia was blessed by her father. Six days after the sealing, sweet Jaron was born. Isn't he adorable? Such a good month!!
On the 20th we had a Halloween party! It was my first time hosting anything other than a birthday party and I wanted everything to go perfectly. Not to toot my own horn, but it did go pretty well! The Watkins came and so did Garrett's cousin Ashley and her husband Spencer. Last minute Garrett invited his friend Ryan who came even though he was unable to get a date on a couple hours notice. He was a trooper and put up with all of us couples really well! We took a pinata out and beat her (it was a witch) in the dark, then brought her inside to spill her delicious guts all over the living room floor where we promptly devoured every edible part! She had some silly glasses in her which made for good photos!
After the pinata we ate chili, bean dip, corn bread, cupcakes, pop, and pumpkin dessert. So good! Then we played my new-and-improved game of pin the spider on the web. I added point values and the person who had the most points after three turns won. Guess who won? Yep, the girl who somehow wins everything: Chelsey! She got a giant symphony bar. Lucky. I should have gotten two. It was hard to say goodbye to it! Then we played catchphrase and murder in the dark. We had such a good time and Bekah was awesome and stayed happy the whole time. She got a little goofy toward ten pm and started showing off. She was so much fun.
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So alert just after birth |
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Decided to relax now that the fun is over! |
On the 20th we had a Halloween party! It was my first time hosting anything other than a birthday party and I wanted everything to go perfectly. Not to toot my own horn, but it did go pretty well! The Watkins came and so did Garrett's cousin Ashley and her husband Spencer. Last minute Garrett invited his friend Ryan who came even though he was unable to get a date on a couple hours notice. He was a trooper and put up with all of us couples really well! We took a pinata out and beat her (it was a witch) in the dark, then brought her inside to spill her delicious guts all over the living room floor where we promptly devoured every edible part! She had some silly glasses in her which made for good photos!
Poor Ashley and Spencer got told to dress up but nobody else dressed up. They looked awesome! |
Bekah loved being a pumpkin! |
This photo makes me think of Garrett when he was this age. |
After the pinata we ate chili, bean dip, corn bread, cupcakes, pop, and pumpkin dessert. So good! Then we played my new-and-improved game of pin the spider on the web. I added point values and the person who had the most points after three turns won. Guess who won? Yep, the girl who somehow wins everything: Chelsey! She got a giant symphony bar. Lucky. I should have gotten two. It was hard to say goodbye to it! Then we played catchphrase and murder in the dark. We had such a good time and Bekah was awesome and stayed happy the whole time. She got a little goofy toward ten pm and started showing off. She was so much fun.
On Sunday the 21st, Garrett found a Hyundai Tuscon for a good deal on KSL so Chelsey drove down with me on Monday morning so we could snatch up that deal! We've been casually looking for a good deal on a small SUV and it was a little sooner than we planned to buy, but when you find the one, there's no point delaying! I love it! It's so much newer and nicer than our last cars. Bekah's favorite part is the sun roof, but she gets a little nervous when I put my hand out!
As you can see, we got some snow this week! Bekah loves to watch it out the window.
On Friday the 26th I got to get to know my little Hyundai better as I drove it out to Vernal for the weekend. Garrett was on a field trip out there so Bekah and I followed. We spent the day holding and kissing little Jaron. He's so special. I looked into his face and decided 3 things: He's going to turn into a big boy who watches out for his mom and tries to take care of her, he's going to be a little spunky, especially between the ages of 2 and 4, and he's going to love hearing stories of Jesus and serving his family. When I told Erika that she just smiled. She said that his daddy is just like that so she wouldn't be surprised if that happens. Friday night, when Garrett was done exploring the oil field with his geology buddies, we headed to his parents house where we showed off our new car and had a delicious warm dinner waiting for us and warm cookies! Bekah was so much fun with her grandparents. I think she enjoyed having them all to herself and not sharing with other cousins. When Sherrie asked for a kiss Bekah looked at her then ran away saying "Scary, scary!" Sorry Sherrie! Ha ha!
Saturday morning Garrett went out on the rest of his field trip (the lucky guy got to sleep in a warm bed with his wife instead of a cabin at the KOA). My sisters and mom all got together and we have 5 kids now! It seems like just last year when we were thinking that poor James had no cousins but now he has 4. It was so fun to all be together and for all of us to be moms. We ate Cafe Rio and chatted and drove poor Ian crazy since we took over his house! That night we all got together (my family and Garrett's parents) at Sarah's house to celebrate me! I turned 23 and got so so spoiled. My mom gave me a couple of cute outfits, Sherrie gave me a set of really cute serving bowls, some shower gel and lotion, and cash!!!! Garrett gave me a kitchen aid and a car. I felt so loved and so grateful to have such generous and supportive family all around me. Sometimes I get scared thinking of having more than two or three children, but then I think of how much love and support you get from a big family. I want my kids to be able to build the strong support system for each other that my sisters and I have and that Garrett and his siblings have. When we got married we suddenly each had enormous amounts of love as we adopted each support system and we get to pass that on to our children. So when I really think about it, five or six kids is what my heart wants. Now I just have to convince Garrett's heart to agree! ;)
On Friday the 26th I got to get to know my little Hyundai better as I drove it out to Vernal for the weekend. Garrett was on a field trip out there so Bekah and I followed. We spent the day holding and kissing little Jaron. He's so special. I looked into his face and decided 3 things: He's going to turn into a big boy who watches out for his mom and tries to take care of her, he's going to be a little spunky, especially between the ages of 2 and 4, and he's going to love hearing stories of Jesus and serving his family. When I told Erika that she just smiled. She said that his daddy is just like that so she wouldn't be surprised if that happens. Friday night, when Garrett was done exploring the oil field with his geology buddies, we headed to his parents house where we showed off our new car and had a delicious warm dinner waiting for us and warm cookies! Bekah was so much fun with her grandparents. I think she enjoyed having them all to herself and not sharing with other cousins. When Sherrie asked for a kiss Bekah looked at her then ran away saying "Scary, scary!" Sorry Sherrie! Ha ha!
Saturday morning Garrett went out on the rest of his field trip (the lucky guy got to sleep in a warm bed with his wife instead of a cabin at the KOA). My sisters and mom all got together and we have 5 kids now! It seems like just last year when we were thinking that poor James had no cousins but now he has 4. It was so fun to all be together and for all of us to be moms. We ate Cafe Rio and chatted and drove poor Ian crazy since we took over his house! That night we all got together (my family and Garrett's parents) at Sarah's house to celebrate me! I turned 23 and got so so spoiled. My mom gave me a couple of cute outfits, Sherrie gave me a set of really cute serving bowls, some shower gel and lotion, and cash!!!! Garrett gave me a kitchen aid and a car. I felt so loved and so grateful to have such generous and supportive family all around me. Sometimes I get scared thinking of having more than two or three children, but then I think of how much love and support you get from a big family. I want my kids to be able to build the strong support system for each other that my sisters and I have and that Garrett and his siblings have. When we got married we suddenly each had enormous amounts of love as we adopted each support system and we get to pass that on to our children. So when I really think about it, five or six kids is what my heart wants. Now I just have to convince Garrett's heart to agree! ;)
Monday, October 8, 2012
I love October
This month is awesome! As soon as October arrived I could hardly contain my excitement, I just knew this was going to be a good month. And so far it has been!
On the 4th, Sarah and Daniel officially adopted their baby Sophia! We've all been praying so hard for them that they could keep her so this is a dream come true!
The next day (friday) Barrett David Brinkerhoff was born to Brett and Jess!
That night the Bortons came for a visit. Bekah adores James! She follows him around and imitates everything he says and does. When he starts teasing her mercilessly she just watches him in awe. She thinks he's the coolest! Saturday morning we went to Willow Park Zoo and chased the peacocks around. The kids had a blast. We went to Pizza Pie Cafe for lunch and the kids loved that, too! After lunch we headed up the canyon a bit to look at the leaves, the kids had fun throwing rocks in the river. That night we went swimming. Bekah and James loved it, but not Lydia, she thought everyone needed to get out and stay dry! Sunday we watched General Conference and ate a delicious meal before sending the Bortons on their way.
Then up the canyon we went again to do family pictures! We met Chelsey and Cody there so we could take pictures of each other. Bekah was super tired and very uncooperative, but we still got some good ones. And of course the Watkins looked great!
As soon as we were done with pictures we headed to Barrett's house! He was so tiny and cuddly! Bekah acted way more interested in Jess's M&M's than in the baby, but she did say hi to him and pat his head. On the way home she said "Baby!" I responded with, "We saw baby Barrett!" She said, "Bye-bye baby." When I asked if she loved him she said yeah. On Monday I was looking at some pictures of him and she said, "Baby! Brett!" She loves that family!
On the 4th, Sarah and Daniel officially adopted their baby Sophia! We've all been praying so hard for them that they could keep her so this is a dream come true!
The next day (friday) Barrett David Brinkerhoff was born to Brett and Jess!
That night the Bortons came for a visit. Bekah adores James! She follows him around and imitates everything he says and does. When he starts teasing her mercilessly she just watches him in awe. She thinks he's the coolest! Saturday morning we went to Willow Park Zoo and chased the peacocks around. The kids had a blast. We went to Pizza Pie Cafe for lunch and the kids loved that, too! After lunch we headed up the canyon a bit to look at the leaves, the kids had fun throwing rocks in the river. That night we went swimming. Bekah and James loved it, but not Lydia, she thought everyone needed to get out and stay dry! Sunday we watched General Conference and ate a delicious meal before sending the Bortons on their way.
Then up the canyon we went again to do family pictures! We met Chelsey and Cody there so we could take pictures of each other. Bekah was super tired and very uncooperative, but we still got some good ones. And of course the Watkins looked great!
Told ya she was tired! |
As soon as we were done with pictures we headed to Barrett's house! He was so tiny and cuddly! Bekah acted way more interested in Jess's M&M's than in the baby, but she did say hi to him and pat his head. On the way home she said "Baby!" I responded with, "We saw baby Barrett!" She said, "Bye-bye baby." When I asked if she loved him she said yeah. On Monday I was looking at some pictures of him and she said, "Baby! Brett!" She loves that family!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
This girl has spunk!
She loved the fort Garrett made for her
Daddy took a nap in it while she just played and played!
Looking pretty after church
This is her "sniffy" face. She's smelling a flower!
Loves putting bowls on her head
I showed her this picture...
...and this was her reaction!
She usually has a grin on her face and loves pulling pranks on me. She's just silly all the time.
I found her like this after her nap. She thought it was a pretty clever way to wear a shirt!
She begged and begged to have a second set of pajamas put on. Then made a goofy face for the camera
My family in front of a super old train when we went to Montana for Isaac's Baptism
She is constantly begging me to take her picture. She runs to the drawer with the camera in it and pulls at it saying "Eeeee! EEEEEE!" (cheese) When I walk to the drawer she starts saying "Yeah, yeah! EEEE!"
But she can rarely hold still long enough to get a good picture!
This was her pose one time after begging for a picture to be taken. How adorable!!
Pretending to be bashful
Don't you just want to kiss her?
Being like mommy and daddy
She loves her USU shirt. When I ask what is on it she says "Bull!" because the mascot is on the back. She loves when we do the school cheer and she pumps her fists and says "Hey Hey" with us. She also says "Aggies!" We are training her young! Also, she says, "Ootah!" (Utah)
Camille's family, Sherrie and Lon, and my parents came up to Logan and we all (Watkins, too) went to the Brigham City Temple open house. It was so beautiful. I loved seeing all the rooms and seeing all the work and detail that goes into a house of the Lord.
Garrett and his sweet mom. He loves her so much!!
After the open house we went to Cedar Hot Springs. Bekah loved playing in the water. The water had a very high mineral content and she kept licking her hands!
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