Some people write funny, smart, deep, or ... um... (insert adjective here) blogs that are entertaining or enlightening. I just have Bekah so I do photos. Whatever, that's my style I guess. Also, my baby is definitely cute enough to have a website dedicated to her. We went to Vernal this weekend and she was a doll. She handed out the smiles like crazy, but not until people earned them by complimenting her. She is a sucker for flattery. Right now she's in her bouncer doing jumping jacks. I looked at her and told her how gorgeous she is and she almost couldn't contain her excitement

1 comment:
Emily, I'm the same way...I just post photos and celebrate the life of my family. And I love the fact that you do the same because it helps the rest of keep connected to you. Bekah is a doll. I loved her cooing in the video. Ahhh...I miss those sort of things. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!
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