Monday, November 14, 2011

Motherhood is Beautiful

I think Rebekah has been teething on and off the last couple of weeks. She will be fussy for about a week and then super happy for the next week. Also, she has tiny bumps on her gums. I'm pretty excited to see her with teeth! She's just gonna get cuter! So a week ago she kept getting fussy so I'd try to help her be happy but it got to the point where I just had to let her whine while I did dishes and cooked and cleaned. So one evening she was fussy. I had just fed her, she had taken a nap recently, so I checked her pants and they were clean. A bit later, I checked her pants again. Still clean. A bit later I checked again. Still clean. Finally I just had to sing to her while I cooked and once I was done I picked her up. She stopped fussing. Right then a couple of guys from Garrett's class came over to study so I took Rebekah down the hall to get her ready for her bath when suddenly I realized my hands felt sticky. Poop. All over her back and legs. Oh well. I deal with that a lot. Then I realized my arm felt sticky. I looked down. Poop. All over my arm. All over my shirt!! GROSS!! I ran down the hall and yelled "Garrett, she pooped all over me!!" Good first impression on Garrett's friends, right? "Oh hey, guys, this is my wife, Emily. She's pretty awesome. I know you can't tell from the messy ponytail, the poop all over her chest and on the baby, or the crazed look in her eye, but she's pretty cool." Okay, he didn't really say that, he just laughed. But still, I felt dumb. I had to change my clothes, strip Bekah, bathe Bekah, scrub the tub,  hand wash all the poop out of our clothes, start the laundry, take out the stinky trash, and then take a shower. It was exhausting. But through all my tugging and pulling at the baby, and all my exclamations of "gross!" and my moanings and groanings, my little baby looked up at me and smiled and laughed. She is so sweet. She can make me feel happy even when it seems like everything is going wrong. She is my sunshine.

1 comment:

Jess said...

YES! I love this story. It made me laugh AND cry. Very good re- telling :)